Cloth and Carry Babywearing Consultations - Frequently Asked Questions
Start or continue your babywearing journey with the knowledge and confidence that you are using your baby carrier with ultimate safety and comfort for yourself and your baby.
Whether you need help getting your Ergobaby or Baby Bjorn carrier fitted or want to find your perfect baby carrier (or carriers!), a private babywearing consultation could be just what you need. Learn everything "baby carriers" with qualified babywearing educator Alyce Mostert.
We cover all aspects of the babywearing journey including safety, positioning, techniques and carrier styles to suit every family. Your consultation is personalised exactly to your needs in our private home showroom.
What happens at a Babywearing Consultation in the Cloth and Carry Showroom?
Welcome to your babywearing consultation appointment. You will be invited into my home showroom and shown to the seating area to get comfortable, offered a drink, and given an opportunity to get yourself and your baby comfortable. Sometimes this means a nappy change and/or a feed, which is absolutely fine. I have soft, waterproof play mats and a wipe clean change mat for baby to relax on if you would like to pop them down. There is a small amount of space in the showroom for a capsule and nappy bag, but please leave your pram in the car or the entry hall.
You and your support person will be offered an opportunity to discuss your babywearing history, any health conditions, injuries or concerns, and what you hope to achieve from your appointment. We will then begin with a demonstration of the carriers that you, or I, believe will be most suited to your circumstances.
I will explain the benefits and disadvantages of each individual carrier, as well as the importance of TICKS babywearing safety, plus tips and tricks for getting you and your baby confident and comfortable throughout your entire babywearing journey.
You will then be offered the opportunity to try on as many or few carriers as you like using a weighted demonstration doll. Depending on your learning style, I will either run through it with you again (mirroring you), talk you through what you are doing, or allow you to have a try with supervision but minimal assistance. How this part of the consult runs is individual to the person/people involved and their individual learning styles, previous experiences and babywearing confidence.
If you decide to buy a baby carrier during your consultation, I will run through that style of carrier with you again to increase your knowledge and confidence with that specific carrier. I will also adjust your new baby carrier to fit your baby and give you an opportunity to try it on with your actual child if/when you are both ready.
Where is the appointment held?
Individual consultations can be run online (via Google Meets or Zoom) or at my home showroom in Beeliar, Western Australia.
In-home demonstrations may be approved in certain circumstances, however availability is limited and travel fees apply.
Who and what should I bring to my appointment?
You are absolutely encouraged to bring your little person/s you want to wear, and a support person. Please note, the space is not large enough to accommodate more than two adult visitors at any given time, so please select your support person carefully as you only get one! Toddlers and other children are always welcome to join us and have a play with the toys in the showroom or in our well equipped toy room.
If your appointment involves a carrier fitting for a product that you already own, you should bring that/those with you. Bring your baby’s milk supply and a fresh nappy, as babywearing can be thirsty and messy work for some little people!
It can get quite warm when you are trying on multiple carriers so we do sometimes need to start removing cardigans and additional layers from ourselves and baby to keep everyone comfortable. A Bonds wondersuit (or similar) which can have the feet out or an outfit with pants and socks is recommended to avoid unnecessary pressure on baby's feet and toes.
Do I HAVE to bring my baby to my consultation?
No, this is definitely not essential. I have a range of different sized and weighted babywearing demonstration dolls available for you to use when trying on any of the baby or toddler carriers in my demo collection. My dolls are always happy and will never spew or poop on you, but they love cuddles and are very tolerant of your concentrating face!
It is helpful, of course, to bring baby along so we can ensure that you and your baby both love a particular carrier (or carriers…!). If you purchase a new baby carrier during your consultation I will also help you to adjust it to your baby before you leave, and if baby is not present I will still adjust the carrier to the best of my knowledge to get you started.
If you are not comfortable bringing your baby to your appointment, for whatever reason, that is absolutely fine! Please do not feel that you need to apologise or make excuses. Your baby, your choice.
Which baby carriers do you have available to try during your babywearing demonstrations?
This is a complex question, to which there are many answers! Our demo range tends to change relatively regularly (some may call it an addiction…) but here is a basic rundown of what we’ve got to offer*:
Yaro Slings newborn ring sling
Neko Slings ring sling
Girasol ring sling
Chekoh linen ring sling
- LennyLamb ring sling
- MiniMonkey Mini Sling
Yaro Slings newborn woven wrap
Assorted Girasol and LennyLamb woven wraps in sizes 4, 5, 6 and 7 (if a longer size is required, please let me know and I will make it happen)
Boba stretchy wrap
Chekoh stretchy wrap
Close Caboo Lite (hybrid newborn carrier)
- LennyLamb newborn / preemie woven wrap
Neko Slings baby size half buckle carrier
Neko Slings toddler size half buckle carrier
NekoTai baby size meh dai carrier
Girasol MySol meh dai and half buckle carrier
Girasol WrapMySol meh dai and half buckle carrier
Kokadi TaiTai baby size half buckle carrier
- LennyHybrid baby size half buckle carrier
- LennyHybrid toddler size half buckle carrier
- LennyLamb Wra[Tai baby size meh dai carrier
- QuokkaBaby Mei Carrier half buckle baby carrier
- Boba Air
- Boba Bliss newborn hybrid baby carrier
- Neko Tiny preemie/newborn baby carrier
Neko Switch baby size full buckle carrier
Neko Switch toddler size full buckle carrier
Kokadi Flip baby size full buckle carrier
Kokadi Flip toddler size full buckle carrier
Kokadi Flip XL/preschool size full buckle carrier
- Kokadi Flip X baby to toddler cross-strap carrier
- LennyLamb Upgrade baby to toddler carrier
- LennyLight baby carrier
- LennyPreschool toddler to preschool carrier
Neko Slings aqua ring sling
Frog Orange ‘The Explorer’ neoprene full buckle carrier
Kokadi Aqua TaiTai
Kokadi aqua sling
- Neko Slings standard onbuhimo
- LennyLamb standard onbuhimo
- MiniMonkey Twin Sling
*this list is subject to change without warning
To view the full range of baby carriers available to try out and purchase during your consultation, please refer to my retail store Cloth and Carry.
Click to book your babywearing consultation.
Which baby carriers can I bring to a consultation?
I've never met a carrier I couldn’t fit!
After years of private babywearing consulting and peer education in the not-for-profit community sector, I have extensive experience in fitting virtually any carrier available in the Australian and overseas market. I also have an incredible knack for deciphering manufacturer’s guidelines and applying the basic principles of safe, optimal babywearing to any carrier and any family.
I have worked with many brands and styles of carriers including, but not limited to those that I stock in my store as well as those made by Ergobaby, Baby Bjorn, Chicco, Nuna, Hoppediz, Fidella, Ankalia, Artipoppe, Didymos, Marsupi, Mumma Etc, Vixsa, Storchenwiege, Mumsie, Hug-a-bub, Moby, Manduca, LennyLamb, Love Radius / JPMBB, Love & Carry, Mother's Choice, Lillebaby, k'Tan, BabyDink, Portier, 4Baby, Joie, Konny Baby, Beco, Boba, Tula, Little Baby Co, Mini Monkey, TwinGo, WeeGo and more!
Why do I have to complete a Consultation Intake Form when making my booking?
All of the questions in my Consultation Intake Form provide me, Alyce Mostert, with a very small insight into your parenting and babywearing history, so that I can provide you with relevant and personalised babywearing information to suit you and your individual family situation. Your birth, your previous babywearing experiences, and the health and physical limitations of you and your baby can all affect your babywearing journey. I want to ensure that I prepare appropriate carriers for the size and developmental achievements of your child, that will be easy and comfortable for you to use, and that will provide the most versatility whilst respecting your individual skills and capacity to learn new techniques.
What follow-up support do I receive after a babywearing consultation?
Every family that attends a babywearing consultation at Cloth and Carry will receive an in-depth summary of their appointment via email within a few days of your appointment. This includes a brief mention of any important information we discussed, carriers I demonstrated, carriers you trialed, and recommendations for your future babywearing journey, if applicable. If you chose to purchase a carrier (or a few) during your consultation, your summary will also include a full description of said purchases with videos, tips and tricks, and washing instructions.
Why would someone pay for a private babywearing consultation, instead of attending a free community event?
A free babywearing community event can be a fabulous place to meet new parents and learn about lots of different babywearing experiences and perspectives. I have volunteered with my local non-profit babywearing education and promotion organisation, Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated, since 2018 and I have provided thousands of hours of free advice through their local events and online chatter group.
So why on earth would you want to pay a fee?
There are many reasons why a private consultation might be suitable for you and your family.
- A babywearing meet can be incredibly busy, with limited hands to help lots of people at once. This environment is not suitable for everyone. Maybe you have attended a meet and weren’t able to get the depth of information and attention you needed.
- Perhaps you need more individual, personalised assistance or perhaps you or your baby have complex health considerations which might affect your babywearing journey.
- A private consultation is a great place to start your babywearing journey if your baby has a condition that may require special attention to adjusting and tightening a baby carrier, including (but not limited to) low muscle tone, hip dysplasia [DDH], abdominal stoma, and babies born with low birth weight or premature babies.
- Babywearing with twins and higher order multiples tends to be a little beyond the scope of a group babywearing meet and a private consultation will provide you with the most in-depth and best practice information specific to your family.
- Maybe you have postnatal anxiety or depression, or you are self conscious of how much your baby cries, and therefore you struggle in large groups of people, or in public spaces.
- Whatever your reason, I am here to support you.
Speaking of group sessions, how do I book a group consultation or event presentation?
I love working with large groups of parents and healthcare professionals to improve the community’s understanding of the benefits, techniques and safety principles behind modern Western Society babywearing. If you would like to chat more with me about an upcoming event you would like me to join, please feel free to email me ( with the relevant information including date, venue, what type of presentation you would like me to do and how long you would like it to be and any important budget information. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
I have twins. Do you have anything suitable for twin babywearing?
I don't currently sell any twin-specific structured carriers, but I do have a Mini Monkey Twin Sling in my demo kit and I can demonstrate how to wrap or ring sling twins at the same time. I can also teach you how to use a combination of different carriers in tandem hip carries and front/back tandem babywearing with carriers specifically determined by your individual family's needs and skills.
If you are a member of the Multiple Birth Association of WA, you will be eligible for a special discount on all your Cloth and Carry purchases of baby carriers and cloth nappies.
Click to book your babywearing consultation.
How does an online consultation work?
If you are not local to Beeliar or the greater Perth metropolitan region, or you would prefer to immerse yourself in babywearing education from the comfort of your own home, you can now book an online babywearing consultation with Alyce Mostert from anywhere in the world!
You’ll need:
A reliable internet connection.
A fully charged smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer with webcam and microphone.
A bench to prop your device onto where you can see me (larger screens are definitely beneficial), and I can see at least the top half of you.
If we are doing a carrier fitting or learning new skills with your existing carrier, please ensure you have your carrier/s close by and ready to go. If it is a new carrier, it should be freshly washed and dried according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and new woven wraps or ring slings tend to perform better if they have been ironed or sat on for a while prior to use. If you are unsure how to prep your new carrier, please contact me and ask for advice - I am always here and willing to help!
It is usually easier if you book your appointment when your baby is likely to be well rested, fed and cooperative, however as a mother of many I understand that they like to keep us guessing on this sometimes and I will always try to be flexible to meet your little one’s needs.
There is absolutely no need to get out of your pyjamas or to tidy up your living room/bedroom/home office/space prior to your appointment. As a parent, I completely understand the exhaustion that comes with keeping the home “presentable” whilst keeping small people alive, and I promise only one of these things is important to me!
Why are some of the online consultations shorter than in person bookings?
The Babywearing Experience in-person appointment generally involves a lot of time dedicated to trying on different carriers and comparing how they fit and feel. This obviously isn't possible for an online babywearing consultation, so the time required is usually a little shorter.
The appointment instead covers your babywearing history, any health conditions, injuries or concerns, and what you hope to achieve from your appointment. We will then begin with a demonstration of the carriers that you, or I, believe will be most suited to your circumstances.
I will explain the benefits and disadvantages of each individual carrier, as well as the importance of TICKS babywearing safety, plus tips and tricks for getting you and your baby confident and comfortable throughout your entire babywearing journey. We can also do a fit check with any carriers you already own, if applicable.
If you choose to buy a baby carrier from Cloth and Carry during your online babywearing consultation, I will adjust the carrier to fit you and baby (to the best of my ability, without having you here) and show you the next steps to take to check the fit for both of you upon its arrival. We will also discuss how to keep it correctly fitted as baby grows. You are more than welcome to send me photos for a formal fit check when the carrier arrives.